Saturday 4 April 2009

Tonight's Dinner!

Soy sauce glazed chicken thighs


Chicken thighs
Copped garlic
Chopped ginger
Chopped corriander
1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
2 tablespoon soysauce
1 tablespoon Chinese rice wine
Olive oil/Peanut oil


- Boil chicken thighs to make sure they're cooked then shallow fry in a wok till golden brown, set aside. Add chopped garlic and ginger into the wok and fry till brown then add brown sugar, soy sauce, Chinese rice wine and pour a cup of water then bring it to the boil, add chicken into the sauce then reduce the heat to gentle simmer. Cover the wok and cook till the sauce is reduced and thickened and glazed the chicken thighs after that you can garnish with chopped corriander. Bon Appetit!

I bought a new cookbook a few days ago and I tried one of the Chinese recipes from the book which is soy sauce glazed chicken thighs and I served that with mashed potatoes and carrots. It was really really delicious, I absolutely love it! Oh, I also made butternut squash soup for a starter, I didn't like it at all because it's too sweet for me but my hubby likes the soup so it was worth the effort.

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